Stem Cell Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease
Stem cell treatment is now available in our Naturopathic Clinic in Phoenix practice for Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Stem cell treatments have been used for hundreds of years abroad, and now, in the U.S., they are becoming well-known as powerful regenerative therapies for many health conditions.
Stem cells regenerate tissue, modulate the immune system response, and dramatically decrease inflammation.
Any diseased or weak cell or tissue can be replaced with higher-quality cells.
A stem cell can reproduce and differentiate into other types of cells.
Cellular regeneration is FDA-cleared, and Biogenix (provider of our stem cells) abides by the most stringent medical guidelines to ensure the safety and comfort of our patients.
Biogenix is the only supplier of stem cells in North America that the VA chose to use, providing coverage for its veterans.
Conventional therapies include opioids and steroid injections for pain management.
Opioids have many interactions with other medications, are addictive, and do nothing to heal the tissue, so the disease progresses.
Steroids block the pain temporarily but weaken the tissue, so the disease continues to progress.
Surgery is extremely invasive and removes part or all of the large intestine.
The cost of surgery is in the thousands, and you will never be well again with having partial or no large intestine at all.
Some doctors call PRP (platelet rich plasma) and amniotic tissue stem cell therapy.
But these contain growth factors, not live cells.
Therefore, patients report mixed results; some get pain relief, and some report no difference at all.
Usually, the benefits are temporary, and you will need repeated injections.
Stem cells do not mask pain. They get to the root cause, which is diseased tissue.
Stem cells can regenerate into many types of tissue:
- Muscle
- cartilage (prevents joint replacement therapy)
- blood vessels
- nerve tissue (used for MS, Alzheimers, Parkinsons)
- fat
- organ tissue (such as the large intestine)
Getting a stem cell treatment is simple and noninvasive.
One does not need medical clearance, as anesthesia is not required, and the stem cells are classified as immune-privileged, so no tissue matching is required.
For more information, contact us.