Conventional treatments include opioids and anti-inflammatories, steroid injections, and nerve blocks.
These are aimed at managing pain.
Opioid addiction is one of the leading causes of death.
Steroid injections weaken the joint it is injected into and offer short-term relief.
We offer alternative treatments for chronic pain that are safe and effective.
Chronic pain is debilitating to one’s quality of life.
Regenerative Injections
We offer Prolotherapy, Amnio, and stem cell injections.
We evaluate each patient to see how advanced the arthritis is to determine which therapy will be most effective.
These treatments serve to build and strengthen the integrity of the joint.
This results in a dramatic and long-lasting decrease in pain.Prolotherapy (Proliferative Therapy)
Prolotherapy is gaining more and more acceptance and is a sought-after treatment for musculoskeletal pain.
The therapy involves a series of injections designed to increase the inflammatory process that brings about healing.
Prolotherapy is indicated in joint pain due to laxity of ligaments and tendons.
This is when the ligaments and tendons lack the strength and integrity to support the joint.
Prolo is not indicated in spinal stenoses or arthritis.
However, patients with arthritis experience improvement because the joint is stronger due to the injections.
Ligaments and tendons have a poor blood supply and, therefore, poor healing response.
The body uses the inflammatory process to transport proteins and enzymes to rebuild the tissue.
Prolotherapy increases the blood flow to the area of injury and stimulates inflammation, thereby bringing about the healing process
A double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine (March 6, 2000) reported significant reductions in knee pain, swelling, and knee-buckling frequency after 6 injections.
More and more physicians, including osteopathic, medical, and naturopathic physicians, are getting trained in the valuable modality.
Prolotherapy is a viable alternative to expensive MRI’s and surgeries.
It is a safe treatment with few minor side effects and far less recovery time.
Stem cell therapy injections are a safe and effective alternative to having joint replacement or tendon/ligament repair surgeries.
There is a 7 year post injection study for knee osteoarthritis that showed the soft tissue to still be in tact after just one injection of umbilical cord stem cells.
The prognosis of a ligament or tendon repair is dependent on the health of the overall joint because it only repairs the torn tissue.
However, with just one stem cell injection, the whole joint benefits.
Lax ligaments become tighter and inflammation from arthritis is reduced significantly.
Arthritis and the build up of scar tissue commonly develops over time after the first surgery leading to a second surgery down the line.
It’s better to facilitate the joint’s own healing properties than to create more scar tissue.
Patients can get back to normal activity, there is no recovery time.
However we recommend physical therapy for a few weeks following the injection to optimize the outcome.
Stem cell injections are used for degenerative disc disorders of the spine, hip arthritis, knee pain and shoulder pain.
Stem cells offer high amounts of cytokines and growth factors that respond to injured tissue.
Therefore, the treatment assists the body in its own healing and repair process, so it is noninvasive with no risk.
The main benefit of stem cells and their cytokines and growth factors is the anti-inflammatory effects and the promotion of healing and repair of the joint.
With many joint and spine conditions, especially arthritis, the prognosis is similar if not better to having surgery without the risk of complications such as life threatening blood clots and possible life long nerve pain.
To schedule a complimentary consultation for a Stem Cell treatment, call 480-334-8278 or fill out our appointment request.